When Does Depreciation End?
Whatever depreciation method you
use, you must stop claiming depreciation when the cumulative depreciation
you've claimed over the years is equal to your original cost or other basis for the asset, or when you retire
the asset from service in your business.
Warning One of the more common mistakes business
owners make is to continue depreciating property beyond the end of
its recovery period. This is not permitted, except in the
case of "luxury cars" where the dollar
limits prevented you from claiming the full depreciation amounts within
six years after the car's purchase. |
If the asset is sold, scrapped,
or otherwise disposed of, you can claim a depreciation deduction
for the year of disposal, based on the depreciation
convention you used.
For example, if you were using the
usual MACRS method, which includes a half-year convention, you're
treated as owning the asset for half of the final year; if you were
using the mid-month or mid-quarter convention, you're treated as owning
the asset until mid-way through the month or quarter in which you
stopped using it.
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