List of Nondeductible Expenses
Listed below are some commonly encountered items that usually won't be
allowed as a business expense deduction. In most cases, a deduction
is denied for these items either because they are nondeductible personal
expenditures, or because Congress specifically made them nondeductible.
noted, some of these items may qualify for other tax benefits (such
as tax credits or recovery through depreciation).
- bar or professional examination fees
- capital expenditures (not fully deductible
in the year placed in service, but yearly deductions are allowed to
recover the cost of the item over a specified time period)
- charitable contributions or gifts by a business that's not a C
corporation (sole proprietors may deduct contributions on their individual
tax returns, rather than on Schedule C; charitable contributions are
reported to partners, and shareholders of S corporations on Schedule
K-1 and deducted as an itemized deduction on their individual returns).
- clothing, unless it's protective equipment, or a uniform that
would not be worn during non-working hours
- country club, social club, or athletic club dues
- commuting expenses
- estate tax, even if largely due to the ownership of a business
- expenses, including interest, paid to generate tax-exempt income
- federal income tax
- fines and penalties incurred for violations of law, such as child
labor violations, federal income tax penalties, traffic tickets, and
penalties for overweight or over-length trucks.
- gift tax; inheritance tax
- gifts to employees that are valued at more than $25
- gifts to individuals (unless ordinary and necessary, business-related
- hobby losses (in excess of income from the hobby)
- inheritance tax
- interest on indebtedness incurred by a business taxpayer to purchase
life insurance coverage in excess of $50,000 on the life of any its
officers, employees, or other person having a financial interest in
the taxpayer's trade or business
- interest on indebtedness incurred to purchase single premium life
insurance contracts, or any life insurance contract under a plan of
financing the purchase by withdrawing some or all of the yearly accumulation
in policy cash values
- job hunting expenses (for a new trade or business)
- life insurance premiums, if the business, or the business owner,
is a direct or indirect beneficiary.
- lobbying expenses (appearances before legislative bodies and expenses
to influence voters)
- partnership organizational expenses, unless amortization election
- personal, living, or family expenses; however, certain interest,
taxes, bad debts, medical expenses, theft or casualty losses, or charitable
contributions may be deductible in whole or in part as an itemized
deduction on your individual tax return
- political contributions, including tickets to political dinners
- tax penalty payments
- transfer taxes on business property
Warning The fact that a particular item is not
listed above does not necessarily mean that it will be deductible.
Any expense will be nondeductible if it does not meet the general business expense deduction rules. Whether
a particular expense meets the deductibility requirements will depend
on the facts and circumstances of your business. |
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