Tax Guide |
To prevent taxpayers from gaining an advantage from shifting income from the wealthier taxpayer to a dependent in a lower tax bracket, Congress has created convoluted income tests to determine which dependents are required to file a tax return on their own behalf. For example, the filing threshold for individuals who can be claimed on someone's return depends on three factors: the type of income (earned versus unearned); the dependent's marital status (single or married) and the dependent's age and sightedness (age 65-or-older or not; blind or not.)
Filing Threshold for Dependents
An unmarried dependent under age 65 and not blind must file for 2014 if any of the following are true:
An unmarried dependent who is either age 65 or older, or, blind must file for 2014 if any of the following are true:
A married dependent under age 65 and not blind must file for 2014 if any of the following are true:
A married dependent who is either age 65 or older, or, blind must file for 2014 if any of the following are true:
When tallying up a dependent's income, "unearned income" includes taxable interest, dividends, capital gains, unemployment compensation, taxable Social Security benefits, pensions, annuities, and trust distributions. "Earned income" includes wages, salaries, tips, and net income from a business; it also includes taxable scholarship and fellowship grants.
If the child or other dependent is too young or otherwise incapable of filing a tax return, his or her parent, guardian, or other legally responsible person must file the tax return for the dependent. In that case the responsible adult filing the return would sign the return for the dependent, and add their own name; for example, "John Jones, Jr., by John Jones, parent of minor child."
If the child is under age 19, or a full-time student under age 24, and his or her income is less than $10,000 for 2014 and is solely from interest and dividends, the parent has the option to include the child's income on the parent's return by filing IRS Form 8814, Parent's Election to Report Child's Interest and Dividends, along with the parent's return. If this election is made, the child does not need to file a return.
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